Bloganuary day 14: travelling ❤️

It has been QUITE the first week back to work, so I have neglected ALL posts for Bloganuary and I’m a bit sad about it! But it is the weekend, and as my New Year’s resolution revolves around gentleness with self (as you’ll read in one of the missed posts from this week that I’ll post this weekend, I’m trying to hop back on the challenge !

Day 14’s prompt is a tiny one; what is your favourite mode of travel?

I do LOVE exploring our beautiful planet, but just like my father, the travel part is not always my favourite! I will forever say that teleportation would be my chosen superpower because once I get somewhere I have so much fun, but I get very anxious about travelling there.

One of my favourite things is a good road trip, sitting in my chosen seat as passenger princess. Often I am the one driving because my fiancée gets very sleepy, but I’m versatile 😂! I love being able to enjoy the scenery around you as you drive to your destination, and stopping at places to get treats and coffee (especially coffee!). I don’t know if I’d be a good #vanlife person though because sometimes I get quite antsy and claustrophobic and would struggle for overly long amounts of time.

I wish I lived boats more, and airplanes, but the air and water make me nervous !! Those are the travels where I close my eyes and take tons of gravel to calm my belly and anxiety. I am very against cruise ships also, not for any politically charged reason, just because I am deathly afraid of the open water. Any time I think about a cruise I remember the part of Madagascar where the animals get thrown off the ship in the crates and all they can see around them is water. THAT IS A NO FROM ME.

One travel that I would LOVE to experience one day is a fancy train- I think I saw one on tik tok where the girl travelled across Canada (?) and the train had glass ceilings to see the sunshine and you could order fancy meals and had a cabin to yourself. That would be a JOY for me I would imagine I was in Harry Potter and eat lots of sweets and coffee !

Having the time to travel is truly a gift that I don’t have often, so I am grateful for my car that takes me where I need and want to go, and am thankful for the opportunity to take a plane places. One day I’ll have tried out a long distance train which is a dream, and will experience a lot more overseas travel! For now my car and I will continue to add many kilometres to our adventures together to enjoy this beautiful country we live in 🙂

Published by maiiflowerr

Pronouns She/Her/they/them. I'm a millennial just trying to make a difference in the world, and create space for people to accept themselves and live their best lives. My WIFE, Sydney, and I are mothers to our two goofy cats, and the queens of creative adventures. I am an Occupational therapist, a dancer and a yoga instructor with a passion for supporting people and creating community.

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